XYZ Admarket is a simple and feature rich PHP + MySQL based script which provides you a platform to launch an advertiser-publisher network or adserver site like Google AdWords/AdSense, Bidvertiser, Media Net etc. It supports Pay-Per-Click (PPC) text and banner formats for advertisers as well as customizable text/banner ad display codes for publishers.


$ 249

XYZ Shopping Cart is a powerful, feature rich and easy to use PHP + MySQL based shopping cart script which helps you to launch an online store in a few minutes.


$ 99 Onwards

XYZ Classifieds is a feature rich, simple yet robust PHP + MySQL based classifieds script with all inbuilt options you need to start your own classifieds site like,, or It is a complete turnkey solution and you can get your own classifieds website running in a few minutes.


$ 99 Onwards

XYZ Auto Classifieds is a simple and robust PHP + MySQL based auto classifieds script with all options required to start your own auto classifieds site like or It is a complete turnkey solution to get your own auto classifieds website up and running in a few minutes.


$ 199

XYZ Directory is a simple and feature rich PHP + MySQL based script which helps you to launch a directory listing website like DMOZ,Yahoo Directory etc. XYZ Directory can be used to setup a comprehensive online directory for generic purpose or for catering to any specific niche.


$ 99

XYZ Email Marketing Manager is an email marketing and newsletter software which includes everything you need to create, send and profit from email marketing. It is a PHP, MySQL based email marketing manager script which meets all your newsletter, email advertising and marketing requirements.


$ 49 Onwards

XYZ Popup Generator is a handy PHP + MySQL script which allows you to create non-annoying popups in your websites to display any type of custom contents such as special promotions, subscription forms, social media icons, feedback forms, video presentations and much more.


$ 49

XYZ Pets Classifieds is a simple and robust PHP + MySQL based pets classifieds script with all options required to start your own pets classifieds site. It is a complete turnkey solution to get your own pets classifieds website up and running in a few minutes.


$ 199

Publish posts automatically from your blog to social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn using this plugin. The plugin supports filtering posts by post-types and categories. The premium edition allows to posting to Pinterest, Tumblr, posting to multiple accounts of same social network and schedule automated publishing.


$ 0 Onwards

Facebook Auto Publish (WP2Social Auto Publish) plugin lets you publish posts automatically from your blog to Facebook. You can publish your posts to Facebook as simple text message, text message with image or as attached link to your blog. The plugin supports filtering posts based on custom post-types as well as categories.


$ 0

Twitter Auto Publish plugin lets you publish posts automatically from your blog to Twitter . You can publish your posts to Twitter as simple text message or as text message with image. The plugin supports filtering posts based on custom post-types as well as categories.


$ 0

LinkedIn Auto Publish plugin lets you publish posts automatically from your blog to LinkedIn . You can publish your posts to LinkedIn as simple text message or as text message with image. The plugin supports filtering posts based on custom post-types as well as categories.


$ 0

Tumblr Auto Publish plugin lets you publish your Worpdress posts automatically to your Tumblr account. You can also attach your links as well as images while posting to Tumblr. The plugin supports filtering posts based on custom post-types as well as categories.


$ 0

XYZ WP Insert Code Snippet is a powerful plugin for adding HTML, JavaScript, or PHP snippets to your WordPress site. Snippets can be auto-inserted into specific locations or placed manually with shortcodes. Execute PHP snippets on demand for dynamic functionality, all without modifying core files.


$ 19

Insert HTML Snippet is a simple Wordpress plugin to create shortcodes corresponding to html snippets such as ad codes, javascript, video embedding, etc. and use the same in your posts, pages or widgets.


$ 0

Insert PHP Code Snippet is a simple Wordpress plugin to create shortcodes corresponding to PHP code snippets such as ad codes, login validation etc. and use the same in your posts, pages or widgets.


$ 0

Newsletter manager wordpress plugin is a GDPR compliant, simple and efficient email marketing solution to create and send html or plain text newsletters. It supports unlimited campaigns and email addresses,double opt-in anti-spam compliance, SMTP and more. The premium edition allows to group subscribers to different lists and also supports multiple custom fields which lets you send highly personalized email campaigns.


$ 0 Onwards

Contact Form Manager plugin for Worpdress lets you create and manage multiple contact forms for your website. It supports a wide range of contact form elements such as text field, email field, textarea, dropdown list, radio button, checkbox, date picker, captcha, file uploader etc. You can also customize the look and feel of forms using different themes.


$ 0 Onwards

XYZ WP Popup is a simple multi-function popup plugin for your WordPress. You can define multiple popups such as lightbox, dialog box, quick popup, full screen popup and quick bar with custom contents and configure various display related settings.


$ 39

Lightbox Pop is a simple, attractive, non-annoying, extremely fast and light-weight responsive lightbox plugin for your WordPress. It allows you to define your content using the standard WordPress content editor and lets you configure various style related settings.


$ 0

Full Screen Popup is a wordpress plugin which lets you create a quick and light weight, unblockable full screen, interstitial popup window with custom content in your site. You can customize the popup display using various display logic settings and style settings.


$ 0

Popup dialog box wordpress plugin allows you to create a responsive dialog box or message box with custom content in your site. You can customize the popup display by configuring various position settings, display logic settings and style settings.


$ 0

Quick Box - Onclick Popup Notification Box allows you to create a popup box on click of a floating text which is attached to any side of the window. You can customize the popup display by configuring various display logic settings and style settings.


$ 0

Quick Bar - Popup Notification Sidebar is a Wordpress plugin which lets you create a floating sidebar with custom content in your site. You can customize the popup sidebar display by configuring various configurations such as display logic settings and style settings.


$ 0

WP Filter Posts allows you to create post filters based on different categories, tags or authors and display the results sorted by published date or updated date. The filtered posts can be rendered using shortcodes. The plugin also supports customising the display format of the filtered posts using html tags and predefined post variables. There is also support for pagination of results.


$ 0

Custom Field Manager is a handy Wordpress plugin which lets you create and manage multiple custom fields and custom field groups for your posts, pages as well as custom post types.


$ 0

WP Gallery Manager allows you to create responsive or fixed size image galleries which can be rendered in wordpress pages or posts using shortcodes. You can upload multiple images using the built in multi-file uploader and tag them with corresponding galleries. While creating galleries, you can be easily drag and drop images for selecting and sorting images.


$ 0

WP Classifieds Listings is a feature rich, simple and robust Wordpress plugin with all inbuilt options required to convert your wordpress to a classifieds site like,, or It is a complete turnkey solution to get your own classifieds website running in a few minutes.


$ 0
